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• Marie Claire "Demain, tous flexitariens ? " 04/2017

• Food Morning #3 "L'innovation moteur du sans frontière " 04/2017

• LSA "Les aliments enrichis parient sur le naturel " 04/2017

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“Looking for innovation? We’ll go to the ends of the earth for you!”

Product searches

Looking for products that meet specific criteria?

Looking for products to feed your brainstorming sessions?

Need to know more about a specific supermarket aisle located far from your home base?

XTC’s global correspondents can handle all your product-, document- and photo-gathering requests, not to mention store-aisle analyses.

For more information, contact us

XTC database TM is the worldwide database of Innovative food products


Updated daily according to strict criteria, the database can be used anytime to find out about the latest innovations being offered to consumers the world over.

It allows users to conduct searches by cross-referenced criteria and keywords covering any and all areas of interest, be they R&D, marketing, packaging, design and so on.

Innovation Intelligence - Innoscope Private Label  - World Innovation Panorama - World Health Food Innovation Panorama - Ad Hoc Studies - Consulting - Product searches - Innovation Seminars -Trade Show Reports - XTC Trends Tree - XTC Genesis Method - XTC database - New products - SIAL - FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) / CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods) - new products database - monitors worldwide product innovation - new product - customized intelligence - NPD - New Products Database - trends and innovation - CPG /  FMCG industry trends & drivers - Food industry - monitoring trends and innovations - Private label innovation - Food innovation database - Food and drink new products - Global new products - food innovation - new claims - new ingredients - innovative products - product development and innovation - new product database - NPD - new product development - product launch - new product forecasts - FMCG trends - NPD process - market insight - new product ideas - ideation process -innovative ideas -new concepts - ideation sessions - category analysis - Food Innovation Lab - insight - Innoscope Private Label

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